1376 2nd St Alamosa, CO
“Though the road's been rocky it sure feels good to me.” 
Bob Marley

Staying Focused Despite The Obstacles

An early start to the day; waking up and enjoying my morning coffee to a soft blanket of snow. Melting by noon the chill of the winds remain. The season is only going to get colder. I'm concerned about sticking with my goals of improving sketch counts, and the ensuing cold will make this a difficult task.

Good News From Higher Powers

Despite the recent winds and temperature drop things are still progressing forward. Thursday I had the chance to meet with the Tarot Wizard. The cards say I have a sturdy base, and that I am putting hard work into my trade. I just have to remember to make personal time for rest and perhaps to seek guidance from a spiritual perspective.
Art Building, Richardson Avenue, Alamosa, CO

Experiences Help Build Character

Yesterday I had the pleasure of doing an interview for GrizzTv (Adams State University's tv channel). It was surreal being filmed as though I were some sort of celebrity, but it was nice to have to elaborate on the subject of my work and analyze myself. Subscribe to my feed to stay updated on new posts. I will be posting a link or feed of the interview soon.

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Thank you for both your time, and words of encouragement or critique.
I appreciate all and any thoughts that you have.

Benjamin J.
