1376 2nd St Alamosa, CO
“Though the road's been rocky it sure feels good to me.” 
Bob Marley

Staying Focused Despite The Obstacles

An early start to the day; waking up and enjoying my morning coffee to a soft blanket of snow. Melting by noon the chill of the winds remain. The season is only going to get colder. I'm concerned about sticking with my goals of improving sketch counts, and the ensuing cold will make this a difficult task.

Good News From Higher Powers

Despite the recent winds and temperature drop things are still progressing forward. Thursday I had the chance to meet with the Tarot Wizard. The cards say I have a sturdy base, and that I am putting hard work into my trade. I just have to remember to make personal time for rest and perhaps to seek guidance from a spiritual perspective.
Art Building, Richardson Avenue, Alamosa, CO

Experiences Help Build Character

Yesterday I had the pleasure of doing an interview for GrizzTv (Adams State University's tv channel). It was surreal being filmed as though I were some sort of celebrity, but it was nice to have to elaborate on the subject of my work and analyze myself. Subscribe to my feed to stay updated on new posts. I will be posting a link or feed of the interview soon.

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Alamosa Water Works Center
700 Ross Avenue Alamosa Co
 I haven't been sketching as much as I want lately. Though I'd sketch all the time if it were an option. Continuing to keep my head looking up much like the water tower up above.
Enjoying my cup of coffee at
Milagros Coffee House Main St. Alamosa Co

Similar Work I Admire
This last weekend I was passed a store displaying some watercolor pieces. I discovered the work of "Barbara Forrest".

While looking at some of her miniatures I couldn't help but notice similarities within our work. None the less I admire her landscapes and nature scenes.

The leaves have fallen on Main St. many local's will recognize The Ink Pusher's sign a local and fairly known tattoo artist. I really need to work on consistency in scale.
Getting Ready to See Lil' Flip
Richardson Hall Adams State University

Well Then Just Start
This last sketch is actually somewhat of a funny spread. I started the first while being somewhat called to action and start sketching on the spot.

The subjects left shortly after, but for the most part I didn't even start with a line drawing on it. The second page however is the fun one. Let me first say it's not done.
So does anyone recognize the signatures let alone read em?

Yesterday a friend asked me to do a favor for him. Agreeing I showed up thirty minutes early and drew the building to help record the event. I am happy with where it's at. The sketch was quick, light, and not detailed.  This is only 15-30 minutes in.

So as I go with my non-volunteer volunteered girlfriend to help out we find out it's a music concert. We are always up for free live music. Backstage passes handed over we went to our stations and found out the main event was a mainstream rapper "Lil' Flip".

Well the concert was great! Though I much more enjoyed the local bands and indie rap artists who showed up early, and extended their set lists to help maintain the show while we awaited the famous rapper. Not to mention they played more then he did.

I asked the guy to sign small and close to the lower section. Instead he signs half my page. Let me cut this all short. I met the man shook his hand, minded I didn't get to really have a conversation with him, I wasn't very pleased.

Maybe he was busy, maybe just uninterested I don't know. I don't take it personal, I just don't understand how I can take time out for anyone who likes my work, but I was somewhat overlooked. Is it just me?

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Milagros Monday
Rainbow's End Thrift Store
McDaniel's Hall at ASU
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Inside The San Luis Valley Brewery
Returning to the Brewery yet again I feel I have somewhat managed to capture the light coming in from outside. I also liked played a little with my pens here. I have been working on removing line so it was nice to play with bold blacks.

Returning to Routine
This week marked the second week I've been back at the regular job. Continuing to draw as much as I can. I'm thinking of attempting a go at Though this does not mean I am not staying busy and active. As many of you may have notice the recent face lift the sketchblog has recently gone though. Thanks to Zoe at Chic & Sassy Designs.

A Future Project?
Today I met up with a good friend of mine to plan a project out. We'll begin next Friday I'll have to give you some more news later on about that though.

By the way, what'd ya think of the new watermark?

Related Entries:

Having a Drink at the Brewery

SLV Brewery

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"Where do you wanna go?" "Third street, find some shade and park."
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

A quick sketch I did while thinking too much (again). Things have been hectic lately. With my birthday a little over a  month away I have been reflecting quite a bit; thinking of what will come within the next year as well as in the later future. Then looking back and seeing that not much has been accomplished. That's when I knew I needed to change things.

I've been considering leaving my job and going to school full time. It's what is best for me right now as far as development goes, but the change is very scary. I'll need support. Luckily through my sketchbook I get to resolve a lot of thoughts floating around. Though there still is a lot of worry and concern in my mind I know I'll get full support when it comes to this plan, I just have to wait for the spring semester to begin.

What are some major changes that you've made in your life to accomplish a goal? Are there risks in accomplishing that goal? If so are you willing to take them?
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Well here is yet another split spread. Typically I usually try to get one image per page. My entire schedule lately has been chaotic though. It feels as though as soon as I get into my sketch its time for me to go.

None the less here's the result of utilizing left over space. The first part (right side) was started at the coffee shop. I am very pleased with the girl directly infront of me. The older woman further back was really a pain though. She was writting or grading regardless her movement was frantic. I definitely need to work on speed for those situations.

The later side was done later on in the evening. It's brought on by an earlier discussion with one of the art professors at the university. His recomendation for me was to work more on my atmospheric perspective. I feel this sketch performed this decently.

Let me know what you think and which you prefer of both sketches.

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Split Spread Situations by benjmelgares
Which do you like more the top or bottom?
Split Spread Situations, a photo by benjmelgares on Flickr.

Well I spent about an hour on the top half and unfortunately time did not allow for the finish. However later that day I figured I'd go ahead and use up the remainder of the space.
So which do you like more, top or bottom. What makes you like or dislike the other in comparison. Leave me your thoughts.
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Adams State University's Art League Float
Well its homecoming week for Adams State University. So there have been quite a bit of festive events going on and off the campus grounds. I even got to see Eddie Griffin. None the less today was the homecoming game and prior to the starting coin toss they held a parade through town.

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Inside the San Luis Valley Brewery Having A Drink
Well while ending my night I decided to stop by the local brewery and grab a drink or two. The cast shadows and lighting in this building sets such a mood. Not to mention both the food and beer taste great. Count on seeing more sketches of this place.
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Terry's Liquor in Alamosa Co
It's possibly pretty obvious that I'm constantly looking for new places to sketch. The other night while driving through town I couldn't help but notice how some buildings appeal to me at night. So this is a first attempt at night sketching.
It's always good to try something new or out of the ordinary to keep things moving forward. This will become a new challenge for me to work on and overcome.

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A quick sketch of the McDaniel Hall at Adams State University.

So while capturing this sketch a friend arrived and we held a decent conversation, which in turn ended up becomming somewhat of a heart to heart. Everyone needs that moment in their life to vent and relieve there souls of the negative energy which burden our overall well being.

None the less while talking about my sketches and the work I've done, I can't help but get to the point that I'm truely at peace when drawing and that its all I really need to be content with myself. Working to illustrate and capture memories, moments, and emotions that connect or speak out a message is my goal. Doing so and allow those works to provide for my simple living is the dream. Now how can I get from point a to point b?

Ambitions, goals, and dreams are needed, without them a person loses faith and can not work forward. Now the challenge is achieving them. So Whats your goals or achievement. What exactly makes you happy with yourself?

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Well its the first Saturday of the month, which means it was a pretty eventful night at milagros. Open Mic Night had a great turn out.

Got some great sketches in, didn't catch everyone. I'll have to work on speed and tones.

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So the lighter is only there for scale purposes. None the less this is a concept sketch for a project I have been planning and working on. I would like to keep everything somewhat still on a quiet scale. But would love to hear what this makes you feel, think of or add some story to it and drop me a comment.
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Fall Town Watercolor
Firedworks Art Gallery Alamosa Co
Fall is definitely here. The valley winds begin to pick up as the leaves drop and flood the streets. I must say I love the yellow in the air though.
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Modern Day Wizard watercolor
John Coyote Doing a Tarot Reading
Well this one isn't finished. Knowing that time was against me on this one I went straight for tones. As I started adding in the tones I was next up to get my reading from the wizard John Coyote. He comes to the college the first Wednesday of each month at Adams State University.

I had a great overall reading for what my career should be. I have some major planning to do. None the less I need to figure out how to get a hold of this guy for another tarot. What do you think? Do you feel there's any truth to them at all?
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Painting Class watercolor
Adams State University Intermediate Painting
Well I finally get to open up the pages of a new sketchbook. I have been so excited to start this book. The sketchbook in mention is a 7"x5" Moleskine watercolor sketchbook. So the pages are better suited for watercolors. I can't wait till I finally close this back cover when it's finished to see how all the saturated pages overlap. (sorry I had to let me inner art nerd out for a second)
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Lady Playing the Piano
Fun Fact: if you play a song at Milagros you get a free cup of coffee. 
Well, I woke up today feeling wonderful. Yesi and I went for coffee and bumped into a wonderful friend of ours. While visiting this lady started playing the piano they have set up at Milagros. I can already tell that this would be one hip lady to hang out with back in the 'speak easy' days. 
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Painting Class watercolor
Adams State University Intermediate Painting Class
Well I joined Yesi for her Painting class today. I love being around the creative and constructive energies flowing around the room. Though it all really does make me long to go to school. Lately I just can't shake the want or desire to take classes.
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Midwest Buildings
Rainbows End Thrift Store
You gotta love a decent thrift store. I've come across a few good sportscoats, a cool pair of sunglasses, not to mention my kick ass art bag. Regardless they are always better oriented toward the ladies. Men have a habit of wearing it out till it's gone. So share the message, when your gonna get rid of old clothes, take it to a thrift store or goodwill. 
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Pancake House
Campus Cafe
Well I got to hang out with an old friend today. We didn't do much but blow an hour or two waiting for her car to get a tune up. None the less I caught up these sketch. To many of the Adams State College Alumni and locals we all know and hold this place dear to our hearts. The foods great and the cinnamon rolls are massive!

If you stop into Alamosa make sure to drop in early to the Campus Cafe, but get there soon, they'll fill up quickly. 
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Hobos Playing Guitars watercolor
A lady enjoying her coffee even sang a song with these drifters.
Well being we have the train so near by we tend to get quite a few travelers. These boys were playing guitar at milagros. They of course had their guitar case opened for tips. Unfortunately I have yet to make the big leagues with my art. So they received this sketch instead.
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Milagros Monday,
I can't help but wonder if news boxes will ever disappear. With the increase in internet for news, and the loss in cost to print, will they eventually be fazed out? If so what happens to those of us without the nice tablets, or ipads? 
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Red Car in Front of at&t
Waiting for our car hop to come bring out our order at the Sonic Drive In. Really starting to see the need for a scanner.
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Sometimes you think living with a park in front or in this case in back of your house would be alright. Just bare in mind the many different types of people that may meet go there. None the less it's good to be friendly and make new people. 
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Woman Camping Watercolor
My friend's mother relaxing with some coffee we made. It's certainly not starbucks lol
We went out to Penitente Canyon this weekend. Got some great hiking in, and got to put our new tent to use. Didn't get to much sketching in. Just this last sketch as we were closing up camp.
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People Drinking Coffee
Milagros, providing a community living room for those who need it.
Simply another Milagros Monday. While doing my usual six people challenge. I'm greatly pleased with the outcome of this one. Typically the page results with six various people scattered about the page. So it's rare that the overall page can become a piece.

In July I went to the Urban Sketchers Symposium in Santo Domingo. While there one of my workshops was "Tea Milk Honey" speaking with the usual comparison of consistency with watercolors. The techniques were followed to a great deal on this work.

I slowed myself down allowing various layers to dry as I worked in other areas. Slowly building up the tone and color of it. I feel that the overall outcome was great. 
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Park Watercolor
Carol Park in Alamosa Co
Lazy days spent at the park. I love seeing kids outside and playing about. While in Santo Domingo last July I couldn't help but notice the difference of how many kids both young children along with young adults alike were outside running about.

The contrast from there and the states is massive. Maybe it's our materialist ways. Perhaps the media has us captivated, or technology just has us all plugged in. Regardless I love seeing families out and about, simple, unplugged, and un-couch-potatoed lol.
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An accessories shop located on Main St. in Alamosa Co.
Yet another day at starts at my favorite coffee house. None the less I noticed when the shop in particular opened a few months back. I am all for small business especially those that are run by people I went to school with.

Regardless seeing their sign has lifted up somewhat and is dragging down on one corner, all I can wonder is what impression does it leave? Do they even notice it.
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The Old Rialto Building was once a theater. Fun fact I got to see Hariet The Spy here when I was younger.
The Bistro Rialto, an Italian restaurant. Great atmosphere, not bad food. I have yet to try the wine. To the locals of Alamosa we all remember when these guys were a few blocks up and known as the Grizzly Pizza Den.
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Narrow Guage Newstand Alamosa Co
I'd hate to say this but here goes, I love this corner ( very funny guys ). In all honesty though I am just drawn to it. The buildings have so much character, and so much history in this town. This intersection in general has always been a heart of this town. Maybe that's the energy I'm getting that's pulling me here so often. Then again, could be the morning coffee. What do you think?
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City Road Construction Watercolor
Each day as I passed by I couldn't help but noticed how many traffic cones sprawled the neighborhood.
Just recently it seems as though I am faced with many reminders of how destructive people can be. The other day while going out by the river I noticed that the city was tearing down some old trees. Now to be honest the layout of the streets was a mess. Though in all honesty I don't see it right when someone removes something from this world which has probably been there longer.

None the less I am simply curious to see what goes on after to further improve our community. I simply hope they don't just lay a bunch of rock down.
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Dry Cleaners
SLV Brewery, Weiss Cleaners
Well I can't personally say that I've used these guys as cleaners before. None the less I did the sign. The color, everything. Makes me think of the 1950's with the subtle pastel colors and malt shop feel. Who know's that might just be me.
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Cars and People watercolor
Truck Stop Gas Stations Never Close; Never Dead
Well things have been hectic since my return from Santo Domingo. Reality hit hard, and showed me I wasn't on vacation anymore. None the less I haven't really worked on my six people challenge lately. So in an attempt I got this while we were putting gas the other day.

So anyone have any stories for these characters? I'd love to hear some scenarios of the happenings.
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 First off allow me to say sorry for not being so active with posting. Though I must say I have been very active as far as sketching goes.

I have recently broken a record as far as sketches go in a day. Got up to 8 sketches the other day. Not too shabby. None the less Here's a collection of the last week or so.

The Old Grove Theater on Main St. Ally way on San Juan Ave. (bottom)

Still working on catching people while at Milagros for my Latte

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