Everyone has heard the statement that Woman are from Venus and Men are from Mars. That said regardless we are some weirdo aliens lol. Here's a little comic strip I came up with one day while talking with my girlfriend about chores. 
Let me know what you think of it, I personally loved working on these.

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I had a good time in 2010. Experienced my second house, different roommates, got a cat, a dog, and even a little old toyota. 

Among this time I greatly started to work on developing my web-presence as an artist. Going as far as learning a few web-programming languages to build my own website.

That said one tip for any artist, designer, or anyone who wishes to establish themselves, their band or product on the internet. I highly recommend you save yourself some time and outsource someone.

I got started becoming a usual at Milagros (local coffee shop) and began to attend the open mic nights on routine. It's truly inspiring to see how much great talent this little valley has. 

Sweet Radish

Sweet Radish
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