Leaving Work for School


"Where do you wanna go?" "Third street, find some shade and park."
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

A quick sketch I did while thinking too much (again). Things have been hectic lately. With my birthday a little over a  month away I have been reflecting quite a bit; thinking of what will come within the next year as well as in the later future. Then looking back and seeing that not much has been accomplished. That's when I knew I needed to change things.

I've been considering leaving my job and going to school full time. It's what is best for me right now as far as development goes, but the change is very scary. I'll need support. Luckily through my sketchbook I get to resolve a lot of thoughts floating around. Though there still is a lot of worry and concern in my mind I know I'll get full support when it comes to this plan, I just have to wait for the spring semester to begin.

What are some major changes that you've made in your life to accomplish a goal? Are there risks in accomplishing that goal? If so are you willing to take them?


  1. Concentrating on a non related activity (drawing, music, running, whatever) for a while is the best way to let your subconscious organize your thoughts. Beautiful colours in this sketch.

    1. Well thank you for both your insight and compliment Rend. I'll just have to continue to focus on my art, and keep my sketch hand going. Thanks for dropping by and leaving me your feedback. Hope to see you again.


Thank you for both your time, and words of encouragement or critique.
I appreciate all and any thoughts that you have.

Benjamin J.