First and foremost I would like to take a moment to thank those who have always pushed me to go for my dreams.

I'd like to first off thank both my father and mother, who helped raised me into the gentleman I have become today. Though they may have not bought me a car when I turned 16, but instead bought me the drafting table which I still use today.

To the friends I know as family, who have giving me great support, whether it be by saying "that's awesome, keep it up bro" to even at times showing me where I never want to lend up.

Finally to the fan-base that I have built through networking, blogging, and whatever other method I may have met you or drawn your attention. It is through you all that I continue to push on to achieve a dream.

Benjamin J.

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Thank you for both your time, and words of encouragement or critique.
I appreciate all and any thoughts that you have.

Benjamin J.
