Lady Playing the Piano
Fun Fact: if you play a song at Milagros you get a free cup of coffee. 
Well, I woke up today feeling wonderful. Yesi and I went for coffee and bumped into a wonderful friend of ours. While visiting this lady started playing the piano they have set up at Milagros. I can already tell that this would be one hip lady to hang out with back in the 'speak easy' days. 
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Painting Class watercolor
Adams State University Intermediate Painting Class
Well I joined Yesi for her Painting class today. I love being around the creative and constructive energies flowing around the room. Though it all really does make me long to go to school. Lately I just can't shake the want or desire to take classes.
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Midwest Buildings
Rainbows End Thrift Store
You gotta love a decent thrift store. I've come across a few good sportscoats, a cool pair of sunglasses, not to mention my kick ass art bag. Regardless they are always better oriented toward the ladies. Men have a habit of wearing it out till it's gone. So share the message, when your gonna get rid of old clothes, take it to a thrift store or goodwill. 
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Pancake House
Campus Cafe
Well I got to hang out with an old friend today. We didn't do much but blow an hour or two waiting for her car to get a tune up. None the less I caught up these sketch. To many of the Adams State College Alumni and locals we all know and hold this place dear to our hearts. The foods great and the cinnamon rolls are massive!

If you stop into Alamosa make sure to drop in early to the Campus Cafe, but get there soon, they'll fill up quickly. 
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Hobos Playing Guitars watercolor
A lady enjoying her coffee even sang a song with these drifters.
Well being we have the train so near by we tend to get quite a few travelers. These boys were playing guitar at milagros. They of course had their guitar case opened for tips. Unfortunately I have yet to make the big leagues with my art. So they received this sketch instead.
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